Courses for companies
Over the last ten years we have provided courses for some of the largest companies in Odessa, indeed one such company, has used our services consistently for seven years, with contracts being renewed, automatically, at the beginning of each year.
When requested we have designed and presented courses in the following business sectors :
- Retailing.
- Wholesalers.
- Hotels.
- Restaurants.
- Wine and spirit distributors.
- Maritime crewing.
- Travel agents.
In each of the above businesses, we have taught at every level of the companies from staff to director level and this has required different levels of expertise.
Our highly qualified teachers undertake the former, whilst specialist business knowledge is required for teaching at director level.
Our principal worked as a business consultant for 25 years and, as such, has the knowledge and confidence to teach at the highest levels.
Usually, our teachers are asked to provide courses on grammar, vocabulary and to provide a level of English which helps the student to write and express themselves clearly and confidently.
At director level, the customer usually has a good knowledge of English, but wants to improve this.
The principal’s practical experience as a business consultant has enabled him to develop conversation themes, based on all aspects of business within a wide range of commercial sectors.
This formula has been found to be acceptable and useful to senior management in their efforts to express themselves clearly and confidently, using the English language.